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How To retrieve a lost Kra pin fast and easy Online

How To retrieve a lost Kra pin fast and easy Online How to Retrieve Forgotten KRA Pin How to reset your KRA password Online Forgetting a password for an important account like iTax happens to anyone given that you only use it once in a year when filing your tax returns. When you forget your […]

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5 simple ways to retrieve your KRA pin if you forgot it 

5 simple ways to retrieve your KRA pin if you forgot it  Share on Facebook   Tweet on Twitter      There are various methods of retrieving KRA pin this include the following: •Send your Colored National ID Picture to there Facebook Page Via Message and Request them Your KRA Pin.Their Facebook Page is KRACare […]

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HOW TO RETRIEVE KRA PIN WITH ONLY ID METHOD 1 Scan your colored ID card and then send it to their Facebook Page through Message and tell them you have forgotten your KRA pin.Then request them to send it to you. Their Facebook Page is KRACare–>>> Link to FB Page Make sure you like the page […]

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How to Retrieve Forgotten Misplaced KRA Pin in Kenya

How to Retrieve Forgotten Misplaced KRA Pin in Kenya Filing returns on the iTax platform requires you to have your KRA Pin number and iTax password.   But some times you may forget or misplace the Pin which you can easily retrieve through several ways. According to KRA, you first need to make a colored […]

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 How to Register a New & Existing KRA PIN on iTax

 How to Register a New & Existing KRA PIN on iTax KRA Pin Registration – How to Register a New & Existing KRA PIN on iTax: Check out How to Register a New KRA PIN for the first timer on iTax. KRA pin is nowadays required by many institutions for anyone above 18 years. So it’s important to […]

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How to Retrieve Forgotten Misplaced KRA Pin

How to Retrieve Forgotten Misplaced KRA Pin Filing returns on the iTax platform requires you to have your KRA Pin number and iTax password. But some times you may forget or misplace the Pin which you can easily retrieve through several ways. According to KRA, you first need to make a colored scan of your […]

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Few Simple Methods of Recovering a lost KRA pin number

Few Simple Methods of Recovering a lost KRA pin number The KRA pin has slowly but surely become an important document for Kenyan citizens. You can’t sell land or your car without one. And now, you can’t even open a bank account now without one. Now imagine you have forgotten or misplaced it…that’s when you […]

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How to unlock your Blocked KRA iTax Login Portal Account

How to unlock your Blocked KRA iTax Login Portal Account We are going to learn how to recover your forgotten KRA Pin Number, how to reset your KRA Password if you forgot it and also how to change or retrieve your email address that you used to register KRA Pin Number with. How to Recover […]

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How to Retrieve your KRA iTax email address

How to Retrieve your KRA iTax email address At the time of opening your KRA itax account, you might not have taken your email and password. This, in most cases, makes it hard for you to access your KRA iTAX account. However, it is never a daunting task to get back on track and file […]

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How to Retrieve Forgotten Misplaced or Lost KRA Pin

How to Retrieve Forgotten Misplaced or Lost KRA Pin Filing returns on the iTax platform requires you to have your KRA Pin number and iTax password.   But some times you may forget or misplace the Pin which you can easily retrieve through several ways. According to KRA, you first need to make a colored […]

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